Marvel's Fantastic Four H.E.R.B.I.E First Look!

Marvel's Fantastic Four H.E.R.B.I.E First Look!

toynewman - October 18, 2024
JayC has sent over a nice image of a look at H.E.R.B.I.E from the Marvel Booth from the upcoming Fantastic Four movie!
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AndyL - 2024-11-19 @ 10:45 pm
On 10/25/2024 at 2:21 AM, leokearon said:

Well Kenner was bought out by Hasbro in the late 90's, so that's where the confusion might have come from. Still in the 80's Kenner were making the DC Superpowers line and Mattel were making the Secret Wars linee

Aaaaaahhh. That is probably what it was. And by probably I mean most likely 100 percent. I do very vividly remember that for a time when I wore a younger girls clothes I did think the Big Two comic companies were actually one and the same. I'm sure there was that crossover contributed to my confusion. Great deduction. GET OUT OF MY HEAD! LOL.

Satam - 2024-10-25 @ 5:19 pm
On 10/25/2024 at 3:21 AM, leokearon said:

Well Kenner was bought out by Hasbro in the late 90's,

You're close*puts on wicked thick glasses and one of those sport coats with elbow patches for a brief nerdy history lesson*Kenner was purchased by Tonka in 1987, and then became a division of Tonka. In 1991, Hasbro purchased Tonka, and both Tonka and Kenner became divisions of Hasbro, with Kenner continuing to operate from their offices in Cincinnatti, OH, where the company was founded. In 2000, Hasbro closed Kenner's offices and absorbed their product lines.

leokearon - 2024-10-25 @ 7:21 am
On 10/24/2024 at 8:33 PM, AndyL said:

Learn something new every day. I always thought Kenner had made the toys. I never checked on it I just assumed it was so for some reason.

Well Kenner was bought out by Hasbro in the late 90's, so that's where the confusion might have come from. Still in the 80's Kenner were making the DC Superpowers line and Mattel were making the Secret Wars linee

Summers71 - 2024-10-24 @ 8:12 pm

Ive got 3 sentinels on order. Im not sure if Im going with 1 or 2 or maybe all 3. I think Im going to need to cancel my Dragon Man preorder to justify a purchase of multiples. Think these sentinels may join my Mafex display tho

AndyL - 2024-10-24 @ 7:33 pm
On 10/24/2024 at 2:28 PM, leokearon said:

I'm guessing the public at large only knew Tony Stark as Iron Man, so Mattel kept it that way so not to confuse kids.

Learn something new every day. I always thought Kenner had made the toys. I never checked on it I just assumed it was so for some reason.

leokearon - 2024-10-24 @ 7:28 pm
On 10/24/2024 at 8:22 PM, AndyL said:

So forgive me for my ignorance. Keep in mind it's been many many years since I've read the story. And TBH it was just a bit before my time. I actually read my cousin's comics a few years after it actually happened. And I never even knew there were toys of the thing well into my adult years. But is anyone familiar with the story behind IM's shield? Why did the toy show Stark? Was it a mistake by Kenner or did Beyonder actually abduct Rhodie thinking it was Stark in the suit. I want to go back and read the books again but I'm certain they're tucked away somewhere that will be very hard for me to access right now. Guess I'll buy a digital copy.

I'm guessing the public at large only knew Tony Stark as Iron Man, so Mattel kept it that way so not to confuse kids.

AndyL - 2024-10-24 @ 7:22 pm
On 10/24/2024 at 11:43 AM, leokearon said:

I always saw it as just a way to show that it was Rhodey and not Tony in the arm. Also showing that Reed isn't a racist

So forgive me for my ignorance. Keep in mind it's been many many years since I've read the story. And TBH it was just a bit before my time. I actually read my cousin's comics a few years after it actually happened. And I never even knew there were toys of the thing well into my adult years. But is anyone familiar with the story behind IM's shield? Why did the toy show Stark? Was it a mistake by Kenner or did Beyonder actually abduct Rhodie thinking it was Stark in the suit. I want to go back and read the books again but I'm certain they're tucked away somewhere that will be very hard for me to access right now. Guess I'll buy a digital copy.

leokearon - 2024-10-24 @ 4:43 pm
On 10/24/2024 at 12:14 PM, AndyL said:

Lol. I forgot that scene. Classic. Looking back on it I really don't know if it was meant to be funny or provocative in the end I guess it came out both ways. Thanks.

I always saw it as just a way to show that it was Rhodey and not Tony in the arm. Also showing that Reed isn't a racist

AndyL - 2024-10-24 @ 11:14 am
On 10/24/2024 at 2:37 AM, leokearon said:

Maybe also give him an interchangeable arm to replicate this scene


Lol. I forgot that scene. Classic. Looking back on it I really don't know if it was meant to be funny or provocative in the end I guess it came out both ways. Thanks.

leokearon - 2024-10-24 @ 7:37 am
On 10/23/2024 at 6:25 PM, AndyL said:

And give him a Rhodie head sculpt. I don't know how they missed that with the first one but now that you mentioned the upgraded armor I can see them leaving it out so they could do a second IM figure. Bring it on. The lack of a Rhodie head sculpt is the reason I passed on the first one. Throw it in on a second go around and you will have my money.

Maybe also give him an interchangeable arm to replicate this scene


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